Reviews, awards and news

04. 10. 2024
Epos ES-7N: 5-star review and “highly recommended” by What Hi-Fi?
The leading British Hi-Fi magazine What Hi-Fi? tested the Epos ES-7N compact speakers in early October 2024, awarding them consistent top marks and 5 stars: “These speakers are relatively small and therefore do not reach the deep bass and dynamics of larger models. But they do so much right that these ...
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24. 03. 2023
Canor Hyperion P1 and Virtus M1: “simply exemplary” in Fidelity review
Issue 64 of the high end magazine Fidelity, published in October 2022, features a fantastic review of the Canor Hyperion P1 and Virtus M1 reference amplifiers: “Power on: Click, click – wait about 20 seconds and then the amplifiers switch on. At first I hear nothing and increase the volume ...
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